Read any of these articles you choose, if you are a TL;DR person, just read one an argue with that.
Face it: war is inevitable, and seeing as China and Russia are rebuilding their armies, and are actually lying about the amount of money they have spent on their military, worries me into thinking they might try something... As we know already, China and Russia have been invading smaller countries around them (Georgia, Tibet etc.) and the U.S. has threatened to intervene, but has not done so.
My main fear has to do with the fact that the United Nations or European Union will be forced into intervention, which could result in retaliation. This could start a war, that will escalate like WWI and WWII did, and eventually the U.S.A. will be forced into war. His economy plans are also flawed, and his environmental ideas are stupid and unobtainable.
Obama has no military experience, and being one who wants to cut defense spending, will fuck up our chances of defending against China's nearly equal (soon superior) militaristic powers. He is against our second amendment rights, meaning that we as citizens will be completely defenseless if our reduced military fails to ward off an invasion; this was one of the main reasons the 2nd Amendment was conceived in the first place.
I don't trust Obama, having marginal experience as a politician, to be able to negotiate his way out of a war, and without military experience, be able to fight it. Most people do not even know what he stands for, and even if you think you voted for him because you knew his policies, a majority of America is a sack of impressionable dipshits: they voted for him, because he was black.
Economy Plan
Sucks ass. He wants to drill more oil from our reserves? Guess what you little shit, we're saving those for an oil CRISIS, this is not a crisis, it's a flux. Oil prices are already back down to $2-3 a gallon, and forcing companies to drill oil on our own land will do nothing for the economy. It will create more supply and less demand, sending gas prices spiraling down to nothing, increasing oil usage and becoming completely counter-productive to his environmental plans.
It's shit. I don't trust you. McCain wasn't much of a better choice, but at least he had experience and could be trusted to lead us to peace; even if through conflict.
The Union of American Socialist Republics (UASR), sounds pretty cool doesn't it? Taking ludicrous amounts of money from the rich and giving it to the people who are capable but refuse to contribute anything to the world. Sounds like communism to me, this "Distribution of Wealth" is bullshit. Social health care? You mean make those people who spend 100s of 1000s on their education to become doctors, become government employees who make 50,000 a year? BULLSHIT. We're capitalistic, how the fuck can you pursue happiness with an allotted wealth cap on you?
My 2 cents on my own doomed country...