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t @arcansi

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I'm fucking scared man... I don't trust Obama...

Posted by arcansi - November 5th, 2008

Read any of these articles you choose, if you are a TL;DR person, just read one an argue with that.


Face it: war is inevitable, and seeing as China and Russia are rebuilding their armies, and are actually lying about the amount of money they have spent on their military, worries me into thinking they might try something... As we know already, China and Russia have been invading smaller countries around them (Georgia, Tibet etc.) and the U.S. has threatened to intervene, but has not done so.

My main fear has to do with the fact that the United Nations or European Union will be forced into intervention, which could result in retaliation. This could start a war, that will escalate like WWI and WWII did, and eventually the U.S.A. will be forced into war. His economy plans are also flawed, and his environmental ideas are stupid and unobtainable.

Obama has no military experience, and being one who wants to cut defense spending, will fuck up our chances of defending against China's nearly equal (soon superior) militaristic powers. He is against our second amendment rights, meaning that we as citizens will be completely defenseless if our reduced military fails to ward off an invasion; this was one of the main reasons the 2nd Amendment was conceived in the first place.

I don't trust Obama, having marginal experience as a politician, to be able to negotiate his way out of a war, and without military experience, be able to fight it. Most people do not even know what he stands for, and even if you think you voted for him because you knew his policies, a majority of America is a sack of impressionable dipshits: they voted for him, because he was black.

Economy Plan

Sucks ass. He wants to drill more oil from our reserves? Guess what you little shit, we're saving those for an oil CRISIS, this is not a crisis, it's a flux. Oil prices are already back down to $2-3 a gallon, and forcing companies to drill oil on our own land will do nothing for the economy. It will create more supply and less demand, sending gas prices spiraling down to nothing, increasing oil usage and becoming completely counter-productive to his environmental plans.

It's shit. I don't trust you. McCain wasn't much of a better choice, but at least he had experience and could be trusted to lead us to peace; even if through conflict.


The Union of American Socialist Republics (UASR), sounds pretty cool doesn't it? Taking ludicrous amounts of money from the rich and giving it to the people who are capable but refuse to contribute anything to the world. Sounds like communism to me, this "Distribution of Wealth" is bullshit. Social health care? You mean make those people who spend 100s of 1000s on their education to become doctors, become government employees who make 50,000 a year? BULLSHIT. We're capitalistic, how the fuck can you pursue happiness with an allotted wealth cap on you?

My 2 cents on my own doomed country...


you can kiss my arse.

Or you can go suck Obama's cock because he is black. OMG I like so totally witnessed history! It was well-worth putting an unqualified man into office!

I Damnit I wish Huckbee won the republican primaries. If my paycheck goes up or down I will blame Barrack Obama.

>China and Russia have been invading smaller countries around them (Georgia, Tibet etc.) and the U.S. has threatened to intervene, but has not done so.<
They got pwned in Vietkong

I am sure Obama wont be running the country the puppetmaster will but whose pulling the strings idk for Bush it was karl rove and dick Cheney

Huckabee was my favorite too. But I mean, when Obama is considered america's way of being loved by all other nations, it's impossible to compete.

palin would get owned by putin

I don't like Palin, but McCain was the better PRESIDENT. Biden was a better VP in my opinion.

Obama want to tax those who make over $250,000 a year. NOT $50,000.

You are a dumbass. I said doctors who rightfully deserve to make over 250,000 a year, will be making around 50,000 because they will be government employees on a social health care system.

Im in the same boat, scared. As far as you were saying about military, china is not the only threat. Isreal also has an army on a level nearing our own, not to mention countless countries obtaining nuclear arms. The way I see it is we are pretty much fucked. My friend gave me a good piece of advice a few weeks ago, but it is still hard to follow it. He said I should forget all this bullshit, fuck it all. I truely believe this world is nearing its end and there is nothing i can do about it, so I might as well try to do everything I can in the next few years, go for my goals in the face of fear and depresion. Might as well give it a shot, ya know.

I hear ya man. This country didn't play it's cards right AT ALL. This is going to be a very trying time for the United States of America. Hell, it's a good thing I'll be leaving the country when I finish school. It's a moment in history yes, but a poor choice in the politician. Everybody voted for him because they did not do their research. I feel sorry for the American people.

Are you racist?

^ Dumbass Narutard.

Bearly any body trust Obama because of his taxes plan and what he is doing with the troops in Iraq. I'm scared to to be honest, and I know that there are a lot of people out there who are hiding under their bed sheets, and praying that Obama dosen't f up our contry by sending the troops home and his tax plan.

I really doubt McCain would lead us to peace.......Obama wants the troops out McCain doesn't.

Pulling the troops out will ruin what peace we have.

Pulling troops out now would be the worst fucking idea. That flimsy little government that we helped establish over there could never hold its own against other powers, and as of right now there isn't a single freakin country out there with the balls to take the united states place if we pulled our troops out. It would simply go back to the way it was before, a communist government looked over by terrorist factions, thats pretty much like them saying "fuck you, and then kicking you in the balls," it would also mean that all the lives that were lost for the progress that actually has been made would be forfeit. Truth is, war sucks, its terrible and no one really wants to do it. At least we had the courage to step forward and take up the challenge. Why don't people just quit complaining about how bad things are and support the people who fight and die every day to keep you from having to.

For all of those out there who believe that socialized healthcare is a good idea...
I had a chat with my family, people I know, and I did a little research into this, don't take my word for it, but I do believe that I know what im talking about. Socialized healthcare or any form of socialism in general doesn't work, cannot work, and never will work. For anybody who is to young or uninformed as to what socialized healthcare means, let me put it into simpler terms. Two years ago my parents had taken a trip up to Canada to see a friend and his wife. As they were walking that friends wife slipped on ice and got injured, blah blah blah, you know how it goes. So they go to a doctor to make sure shes ok, the doctor takes a look at her and claims that its simply some bruising and that everything would be fine. She died 4 days later from two broken ribs which had punctured her lung causing internal bleeding.
You see, the way that socialized healthcare works is this, for example take yourself, "take this, good oh by the way your a doctor now, you'll be making $25,000 dollars a year, no more no less, all you have to do is talk to patients for the next 30 or more years." It doesn't matter how experienced you are at it, you could have been the worst in your class in college, it wouldn't matter. Thanks Arcansi, at least someone around here speaks some sense.

tbh the big reason why i voted obama was because biden was his VP. i originally supported biden when he was running for president.

I'm moving back to Belgium when I have the chance... I'm scared too. Obama has only 4 years of political expirience, while McCain has had over 50 years. HOW COULD THEY PICK OBAMA OVER MCCAIN?!?

Your news post makes me facepalm.

War is not inevitable.

The U.S. has not threatened to intervene in China's occupancy of Tibet

Both China and Russia are members of the UN

The EU is in no way a military or defense alliance

Obama will have some of the best military advisers overlooking the war. General Petraeus has expressed support for Obama's diplomatic policy.
(<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1FK-JdLEN4">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1FK-J dLEN4</a>)

China has made no move to attack us. Our military reserve is by far the largest in the world. Our defense budget is ridiculously disproportional.

Gun control has no affect on the military, reserve, or paramilitary. Gun control will greatly reduce murder and other violence crime, all data supports this with perhaps the exception of Great Britain. If you need data for this, I would be happy to provide it. Gun control does not mean you take away every civilian's gun. It means you regulate gun trade better, make it harder for insane people and criminals to get guns, and don't let civilians get guns that are way more powerful and offensive than they need.

I would be willing to wager than a majority of McCain's supporters voted for him just because of their Christian church and because of their parents...the primary reason for conservatism. They aren't voting for who they think they should vote for, but who they think they think they are supposed to be voting for. (see: George Bush)

Marginal experience as a politician? You know that Obama was a representative for Chicago, a city with over 4 times the population of Palin's Alaska? And Joe Biden, who will serve as his main adviser, has plenty of experience. At least neither of them are bound to die in offense (see: John McCain)

McCain wants to drill out a lot more reserves than Obama. He is the one who originally supported offshore drilling. He will follow Bush's drilling policies, which involved digging into protected wildlife. (Read this too: <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Offshore_drilling#Effects_on_the_environment">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Offshore _drilling#Effects_on_the_environment</a>)

McCain does not even want to try direct diplomacy and wants to attack Iran...how is he trusted to lead us to peace?

Bullshit, huh? You know that Norway, a socialist country, is often considered the best in the world?

Look at this:
<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_Development_Index#Past_top_countries">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_De velopment_Index#Past_top_countries</a>
Every single country that has ever won was socialist. Socialism promotes a better standard of living. The government can better regulate social services. Look at the recent economic crash. That was caused by private companies that do what is best short term for themselves, not what is best long term for the economy.

95% of the population under Obama will not be paying more taxes. The 5% that will be have way more money than they need.

My 2 cents on my own saved country...

( sounding like you know your stuff ) about the upcoming war crisis, ( if we are not blown up all of a sudden by nukes ) Canada will have U.S.A's back man also England I fink. because another grand slam is a boiling in the pot riiight?

*Regular blacks welcomed as long as they arnt obama.