Some of you may have read my thread about Most Epic Football injuries. Well I hurt my leg a little, thought I just sprained it, and the next day I was running and tackling people again.
But I managed to take down a senior in a head-on collision, and after we both hit the ground, I bent my twisted my leg and pulled the recently sprained muscle. But it turns out I tore a ligament in my leg in the game prior, and I just managed to make it a much, much worse...
So now here I am on my computer, unable to walk, at the start of the weekend. I should be better in 5-7 days but still... Know anything I can do besides play computer all day and watching TV? I've just beat 3 brutal scrin teams on C&C 3 for the fourth time today, and I have nothing to do besides play games, talk to friends on the phone and text, and watch TV...
sorry dude.
Hope you fell better soon.